Adelante Promotores Conference
2024 Adelante Promotores Conference
Rise Within: Cultivating Inner Potential for Achievement
About the Conference
Commemorating its 13th year, the Adelante Promotores Conference is an annual celebration of Community Health Workers, Promotores, and Representatives (CHW/P/Rs) offering workshops, networking opportunities, inspirational speakers, and a space to connect with local resource providers.
Date and Time
November 8, 2024 at 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Doors Open at 8:00 am
Join us for a day filled with
Innovative Workshops
Networking Opportunities
Inspirational speakers
Local Resource Providers
And More!
Previous Adelante Promotores Conference
2023 Adelante Promotores Conference
Transforming Communities Together Creating an Equitable Future

"Promotores in the Workforce= Health Equity"
Adequate income drives equity, more specifically health equity. Health equity is a primary outcome of employing P/CHWs who create and maintain healthy communities.

"United for Healthy Communities"
This year’s conference focused on the unification of Promotores and Community Health Workers (CHWs) in creating and maintaining healthy communities.

Your Title Goes Here
Guest speakers Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola (UC Davis) and Barbara Jiménez (County of San Diego, HHSA) joined us this year.

"The Time is Now!"
Because then (and now!) was the time to be more vigilant than ever about protecting the communities we serve and ensuring all families have access to culturally appropriate—essential—health and social services.